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General Information

New Exhibitors: Vendor Packets will be sent out the third week of February. If you would like to request an application for the 2024 Markets, please email us at If possible, please include pictures of the merchandise that you would like to sell at the market.

New exhibitors, please send a check for $100 with your application. If you are not accepted, your check will be returned ASAP.

Please mail completed applications to:
     A Paris Street Market
     6732 W Coal Mine Avenue #387
     Littleton, CO 80123

Applications will be reviewed in the order received. Exhibitors will be reviewed based on unique merchandise, business model, merchandising ability, professionalism, experience. In some cases, photos will be required. If accepted, exhibitors will be notified via email or phone. Signed contracts, liability waivers and payment due at that time.

Show Times:

Rue de Noel A Paris Street Christmas Indoor Market

November 15th and 16th

Douglas County Events Center

500 Fairgrounds Road Castle Rock, CO 80104

10:00 am to 5:00 pm both days

Booth Rental Fees Per Day: $200 and up depending on size and location. Discounts available for prepayment and multiple shows. Non-refundable. Subleasing not allowed. No refunds for inclement weather.

Booth Size: Approximately 16' by 18'. In most cases, imagine 2 parking spaces, side-by-side.

Set-Up Times:
Set up begins at 4:45 am.
Set-up times vary depending on booth location.
Each booth will be assigned both a "set-up" time and a "break-down" time.

Booth Requirements: Canopies, umbrellas are encouraged but not required. No commercial advertising is allowed on the canopy or tent other than exhibitors business name. Exhibitors may hang a store name, logo sign from your canopy. All exhibitors are encouraged to create a unique, comfortable, "boutique like" environment within their booth parameters. Booth display must not interfere with neighboring spaces. Canopies or tents must be secured via tent weights. Legs must be placed on wood slat to avoid damage to parking lot. Sale of food or beverages is not allowed except for approved concession vendors. Electricity is not available to booths except for concession vendors. See Vendor Handbook (available mid-January) for additional exhibitor and booth requirements.

Booth Assignment: Exhibitors may request a booth location. Booths are assigned on first come, first served basis once exhibitors are approved. Payment is required to reserve a booth location.

Food Vendors: If you are an experienced Food/Beverage Vendor and interested in participating in the market, please email

Vendor Payment Options: Visa, MasterCard (additional fee), Check, Money Order. No cash. Payment not accepted day of Market.

Advertising: A Paris Street Market, in conjunction with the event locations are committing significant advertising dollars to promoting each Market location and dates. The Market will be advertised as community listings in local newspapers, social media, paid social ads, email, and other local media in each Market area.

Exhibitor Parking: Each Market will have a designated space specifically for Exhibitor Parking. Exhibitors are required to park all vehicles in this designated area. Public parking at the Shopping Centers is for customers only. Exhibitor Parking is very close to the show area, only a 2 or 3-minute walk.

A Paris Street Market sponsored by: Vandel Antiques

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