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Become an Exhibitor
As always, "A Paris Street Market” at Aspen Grove provides consumers with quality vintage, antique, and select artisan merchandise. All applicants must provide a thorough description of items they intend to sell at the Market.

New exhibitors will be accepted based on their unique merchandise mix, experience exhibiting in similar shows, and way they conduct their business.

New Exhibitors: Vendor Packets will be sent out in late January/early February each year. If you would like to request an application for the 2024 shows, please email us at If possible, please include pictures of the merchandise that you would like to sell at the market.

Please mail completed applications to:
     A Paris Street Market
     6732 W Coal Mine Avenue #387
     Littleton, CO 80123

Applications will be reviewed in the order received. Exhibitors will be reviewed based on unique merchandise, business model, merchandising ability, professionalism, experience. In some cases, photos will be required. If accepted, exhibitors will be notified via email or phone. Signed contracts, liability waivers and payment due at that time.

A Paris Street Market sponsored by: Vandel Antiques

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